Bank Protection
on Inland Waterways

Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
Technisch-biologische Ufersicherungen an Binnenwasserstraßen

Colloquium 2010

The Colloquium "Alternative technical-biological bank protection measures applied on inland waterways – mode of action, load-bearing capacity, fields of application"(Alternative technisch-biologische Ufersicherungen an Binnenwasserstraßen – Wirkungsweise, Belastbarkeit, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten), organized by the BAW Karlsruhe and the BfG Koblenz, was held on 26 October 2010 in the Hanover Congress Centre (Germany).

This event publicised findings on the potential of technical-biological bank protection measures. For this purpose, work from the BAW and BfG’s joint research project, which has been running since 2004, was presented, as were practical experience gathered by the WSV and planning for the new test stretch on the River Rhine. Discussions allowed participants to look into current possibilities of how to apply alternative bank protection measures on waterways.


The documents are available in German language only.